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This function takes a survival object generated from a call to survfit and creates a table in a 'stepped' format suitable for external plotting, such as in Excel.


step_KM(KM, add_time_0 = TRUE)



A survival object generated from a call to survfit. The KM object should be of class "survfit" and should represent a single-arm survival analysis (e.g. Surv(time, status) ~ 1).


Optional. Uses survival::survfit0 to add the point for a starting time (time 0) to a survfit object's elements. This is useful for plotting. Default is TRUE.


A data frame containing the 'stepped' tabulated survival data suitable for external plotting or further analysis. The table includes information about the time points, number at risk, survival probability, and the number of events for each time point.


if (FALSE) {

# Example usage with lung data
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = lung)

stepped_KM <- step_KM(fit, add_time_0 = TRUE)

# Send to Excel
write.csv(stepped_KM, "survival_data.csv")