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Print methods for get_km()


# S3 method for get_km
print(x, ...)



An object of class get_km


Additional arguments


The summary of the Kaplan-Meier estimates, printed via the console.


km_results <- get_km(
  data = easysurv::easy_bc,
  time = "recyrs",
  event = "censrec",
  group = "group",
  risktable_symbols = FALSE

#> ── Kaplan-Meier Data ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> The get_km function has produced the following outputs:
#>km: A `survival::survfit()` object for Kaplan-Meier estimates.
#>km_for_excel: A list of stepped Kaplan-Meier data for external plotting.
#>km_per_group: A list of Kaplan-Meier estimates for each group.
#>km_plot: A Kaplan-Meier plot.
#>km_summary: A summary table of the Kaplan-Meier estimates.
#> ── km Summary ──
#>         group records events    rmean se(rmean)   median  0.95LCL  0.95UCL
#> Good     Good     229     51 5.934330 0.1616003       NA       NA       NA
#> Medium Medium     229    103 4.600852 0.1856699 5.254795 4.115068 5.572603
#> Poor     Poor     228    145 3.101736 0.1772520 2.183562 1.978082 2.619178
#>        Median follow-up
#> Good           4.452055
#> Medium         4.712329
#> Poor           4.115068
#> "km_plot" has been printed.
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → For more information, run `View()` on saved `get_km()` output.