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Print methods for fit_models()


# S3 method for fit_models
print(x, ...)



An object of class fit_models


Additional arguments


A print summary of the fit_models object.


models <- fit_models(
  data = easysurv::easy_bc,
  time = "recyrs",
  event = "censrec",
  predict_by = "group",
  covariates = "group"

#> ── Fit Models Summary ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Engine: flexsurv.
#> Approach: predict_by_covariate.
#> • The predict_by argument was set to "group", which was also a covariate.
#> • Therefore, models were fit on the full dataset.
#> • This is sometimes referred to as "joint fits".
#> Distributions attempted: "exp", "gamma", "gengamma", "gompertz", "llogis",
#> "lnorm", and "weibull".
#> ── Median survival estimates ──
#>       dist aic_rank group=Good group=Medium group=Poor
#> 1      exp        7  11.479024     5.065736   2.466988
#> 2    gamma        4   8.511336     4.663958   2.538296
#> 3 gengamma        1   8.630495     4.507538   2.392662
#> 4 gompertz        6   8.530095     4.865718   2.606950
#> 5   llogis        3   8.474213     4.545136   2.336817
#> 6    lnorm        2   8.632037     4.558062   2.393145
#> 7  weibull        5   8.757940     4.741585   2.605819
#>  For comparison, the KM median survival times were NA, 5.255, and 2.184.
#>  The distribution with the best (lowest) AIC was "gengamma".
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> → For more information, run `View()` on saved `fit_models()` output.